4 Informative Responses You Need From Your CFO

Are you working closely with your CFO to determine the most efficient and effective methods for maintaining your business infrastructure? These questions will help you drill in.   Are your financial operations taking more time and effort than you realize? There are...

How Technology Helps Today’s CFO Improve Operations

How Technology Helps Today’s CFO Improve Operations The business world is increasingly tech-savvy, and organizations are looking for CFOs who are comfortable with the language and strategies of digital technology. The office of the CFO has long been a center of...

What Role Does The CFO Play In Digital Transformation?

While technology teams are often found reporting to the CFO, that role may not be the first one that comes to mind when you’re discussing digital business transformation. There may be a perception that CFOs are the ones requiring justification for expenses instead of...

These 4 Issues are Paralyzing CFOs from Moving to the Cloud

CFOs have long been challenged by the value proposition of capital technology investments, often requiring in-depth analysis and reviews before making the plunge. While the lower monthly costs of cloud-based computing may overcome this inertia in some instances, CFOs...